Questions? Contact me directly anytime (well, almost)....

If you have a question about something that has happened or will happen in class, need clarification on an assignment, or have a great idea to share with me, please contact me anytime!

(I check it several times a day)

phone: I don't want to list my phone number here, but you can find it on the TNS list of names & numbers. Feel free to call anytime between 7am and 10pm.

Monday, September 20, 2010

assignment for Thurs (do by Wed PM, please!)

In preparation for Rep. Legg's visit on Thursday, please think of some things you'd like to learn from him, either about him as a person and/or about the way our government works.  In our conversation with him, you will have the opportunity to ask him questions, so it doesn't hurt to think of a few now!

- On your blog, please post TWO or more questions you have for Rep. Legg.
- Your questions should NOT be able to be answered in one word (e.g. "how old are you?") NOR should their answers be found on his official website - see the link in the post below.
- Please post your blog entry by Wednesday midnight so that I can compile the questions in time for class on Thursday. 
- I'll hand out a list of everyone's questions at the beginning of class so that you have something to refer to during our time with Rep. Legg.

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