Questions? Contact me directly anytime (well, almost)....

If you have a question about something that has happened or will happen in class, need clarification on an assignment, or have a great idea to share with me, please contact me anytime!

(I check it several times a day)

phone: I don't want to list my phone number here, but you can find it on the TNS list of names & numbers. Feel free to call anytime between 7am and 10pm.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

final project assignment

Due Monday, Nov. 15: Choose your question and find two potential sources of information!

Who: Maine Elections Class students
What:  Ask a question.  Research the answer.  Share your findings in a cool way.
Why:  We’ve covered a lot in this class, but there’s SO much more to find out!
When: Due in class Mon. 11/29; share/display at LEAP Night 12/2.
How:  Use information we’ve learned in class, interview other people, look stuff up online, read the newspaper, visit the library, etc. 

More details:
What:  Your project’s format is up to you.  Draw up graphs, make a poster, create a movie or slideshow, write a song,  etc.  etc.  Make it awesome.
How: A minimum of three (3) sources is required.  Cite them properly. 
When:   You will have some opportunities to work on this in class, but you will need to also work on it outside of class (a.k.a. “homework”).
    Monday, 11/15:  Come to class having chosen your question and having found at
        least two potential sources.  40 minutes of work time in class.
    Thursday, 11/18:  40 minutes of work time in class.
    Monday, 11/23: 30 minutes of work time in class.
    Monday, 11/30:  Share & discuss projects in class.

Ideas for questions:
    Why do independents run for office?  Do they ever win?

    Who is Paul LePage?  (create a biography/profile)

    How does the election for President work?  What is the difference between the Electoral College and the popular vote?

    Who might run for the next President of the U.S.?  (research potential candidates)

    How did Mainers vote on November 2, 2010?  (make graphs of different issues and/or different towns and districts)

    How are Congressional Districts #1 and #2 different from each other?

    What makes a good campaign ad?  (create your own or analyze past ads)

    Why do people vote?  Why do some people NOT vote?  (poll/interview)

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