Questions? Contact me directly anytime (well, almost)....

If you have a question about something that has happened or will happen in class, need clarification on an assignment, or have a great idea to share with me, please contact me anytime!

(I check it several times a day)

phone: I don't want to list my phone number here, but you can find it on the TNS list of names & numbers. Feel free to call anytime between 7am and 10pm.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Are you there, Elections Class? It's me, Flora.

Please PLEASE let me know if you are able to go to the "Rally and Tally" event in Augusta.  We'd leave TNS around 1pm and return to K'bunk around 7:30pm.   A little more info here:  
Once I have a headcount by tomorrow, I will make the call if we're going or not, and let you know on the office whiteboard by Wednesday a.m.

 On a different note, I did not mention this in class but I hope that all or most of you can do this:  WATCH THE PINGREE/SCONTRAS DEBATE!  Tomorrow (Tuesday) 7pm, Channel 6 WCSH (Portland).  Write a bit about it on your blog for some "extra credit" and a prize in class.
This is what Pingree's campaign is currently saying about Scontras: "he doesn't want to raise the minimum wage, but he would repeal health care reform.  He doesn't believe that global warming is a result of human behavior, he opposes womens' right to equal pay for equal work, and he wants to give tax breaks to companies that ship our jobs overseas." 
Fact, fiction, or a little bit of both? Find out in tomorrow's debate!!

1 comment:

  1. I won't be attending the field trip to Augusta on Thursday, but I hope you get enough people to go, especially if you open it up to the whole school! :)
