Questions? Contact me directly anytime (well, almost)....

If you have a question about something that has happened or will happen in class, need clarification on an assignment, or have a great idea to share with me, please contact me anytime!

(I check it several times a day)

phone: I don't want to list my phone number here, but you can find it on the TNS list of names & numbers. Feel free to call anytime between 7am and 10pm.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Assignment for Thurs 10/21

What issues are important to YOU?  What information do you want to know about each candidate before you are certain about who you'd vote for?
We'll compile these issues and questions in class and then split up the research among everyone.

I'm thinking that each student could research EITHER one candidate (where s/he stands on all the issues), OR one issue (where all the candidates stand on this issue).   We'll need to decide which format to use before we start researching, of course.... Comments?  suggestions?

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